© 2001 Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, California 95616
Numerous peripheral signals contribute to the regulation offood intake and energy homeostasis. Mechano- and chemoreceptorssignaling the presence and energy density of food in the gastrointestinal(GI) tract contribute to satiety in the immediate postprandialperiod. Changes in circulating glucose concentrations appearto elicit meal initiation and termination by regulating activityof specific hypothalamic neurons that respond to glucose. Othernutrients (e.g., amino acids and fatty acids) and GI peptidehormones, most notably cholecystokinin, are also involved inshort-term regulation of food intake. However, the energy densityof food and short-term hormonal signals by themselves are insufficientto produce sustained changes in energy balance and body adiposity.Rather, these signals interact with long-term regulators (i.e.,insulin, leptin, and possibly the orexigenic gastric peptide,ghrelin) to maintain energy homeostasis. Insulin and leptinare transported into the brain where they modulate expressionof hypothalamic neuropeptides known to regulate feeding behaviorand body weight. Circulating insulin and leptin concentrationsare proportional to body fat content; however, their secretionand circulating levels are also influenced by recent energyintake and dietary macronutrient content. Insulin and leptinconcentrations decrease during fasting and energy-restricteddiets, independent of body fat changes, ensuring that feedingis triggered before body energy stores become depleted. Dietaryfat and fructose do not stimulate insulin secretion and leptinproduction. Therefore, attenuated production of insulin andleptin could lead to increased energy intake and contributeto weight gain and obesity during long-term consumption of dietshigh in fat and/or fructose. Transcription of the leptin geneand leptin secretion are regulated by insulin-mediated increasesof glucose utilization and appear to require aerobic metabolismof glucose beyond pyruvate. Other adipocyte-derived hormonesand proteins that regulate adipocyte metabolism, including acylationstimulating protein, adiponectin, diacylglycerol acyltransferase,and perilipin, are likely to have significant roles in energyhomeostasis.
Keywords: glucose, gastrointestinal peptides, cholecystokinin, ghrelin, insulin, adipose tissue, leptin, acylation stimulating protein, adiponectin
1 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed at Department of Nutrition, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616. E-mail: pjhavel{at}ucdavis.edu
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