Exp. Biol. Med. 2001;226:1037-1044
© 2001 Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
Tracy S. Herrmann,
Michelle L. Bean,
Tracy M. Black,
Ping Wang and
Rosalind A. Coleman1
Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599
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Figure 1. Serum glucose (A) and insulin (B) concentrations for healthy adults eating each of four experimental diets during a 28-hr period. Each point represents the mean ± SE for eight to nine samples. Solid arrows indicate meals and ingestion of glucose for the GTT. Open arrows indicate snacks. |
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Figure 2. Percent change in serum leptin concentrations for healthy adults eating each of four experimental diets during a 28-hr period. Leptin values are plotted as percentages because of the marked differences between values from men and women. The two 0800-hr values were averaged and taken as 100%. Each point represents the mean ± SE for eight to nine samples. Solid arrows indicate meals and ingestion of glucose for the GTT. Open arrows indicate snacks. |
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